Terms and Conditions

Greetings from DataBonker! These terms and conditions govern how you use the DataBonker Website. Our website address is: https://databonker.com.

We imply that you agree to these terms and conditions by using this website. If you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions listed on this page, do not use DataBonker any longer.

The terms “Client,” “You,” and “You’re” refer to the users of this website who have agreed to the terms and conditions set forth by the Company. This terminology also applies to all other agreements: the “Terms and Conditions,” the “Privacy Policy Statement,” the “Disclaimer Notice,” and all related documents.

Our Company is referred to as “The Company,” “Ourselves,” “We,” “Ours,” and “Us.” The terms “Party,” “Parties,” or “Us” include both the Client and us. All phrases relate to the provision of our support to the client in the most effective way for the specific goal of addressing that client’s requirements in relation to the rendering of the Company’s stated services, in line with and subject to, the legislation of the Netherlands. Any usage of the aforementioned terminology or other terms in the singular, plural, he/she, or they format is understood to be interchangeable and to be referring to the same.


We utilise cookies in our operations. You consented to the usage of cookies in accordance with the DataBonker Privacy Policy by browsing the website.

Cookies are used by the majority of interactive websites to allow us to retrieve user information for each visit. Our website uses cookies to facilitate the operation of certain parts so that users may navigate it more easily. Cookies may also be used by some of our affiliate and advertising partners.


Except when otherwise noted, all content on DataBonker is the property of DataBonker and/or its licensors. The ownership of every intellectual property is retained. Subject to the limitations outlined in these terms and conditions, you are permitted to access material from DataBonker for your own private use.

You cannot:

  • Republishing DataBonker content
  • Sell, rent, or sublicense DataBonker content
  • Copying, duplicating, or republishing content from DataBonker
  • Material from DataBonker for sharing purpose
  • On the date hereof, this Agreement shall take effect.

On several pages of this website, users have the option to publish messages and engage in information and opinion exchanges. Prior to their appearance on the website, Comments are not filtered, edited, published, or reviewed by DataBonker. Comments do not necessarily represent the thoughts and opinions of DataBonker, its affiliates or its agents. The thoughts and opinions expressed in the comments are those of the commenter. To the fullest extent authorised by law, DataBonker will not be held responsible for the Comments or for any responsibility, loss, claim, or expenditure related to the use, posting appearance, or disclosure of the Comments on this website.

DataBonker maintains the right to review all comments and to edit or delete any comments that are objectionable, offensive, or in violation of our terms and conditions.

You guarantee and affirm that:

The Comments do not violate any intellectual property rights, including without limitation copyright, patent, or trademark of any third party; You are authorised to publish the Comments on our website and you have all required permissions and licences to do so;
The Comments don’t include any information that is a violation of privacy or is slanderous, inflammatory, or libellous.

The Comments won’t be used to advertise, solicit, or promote any kind of trade, custom, company, or illegal action.

By submitting your comments, you give DataBonker a non-exclusive right to use, reproduce, alter, and give others permission to do the same in any and all forms, medium, or formats.

Including Links to Our Content

Without seeking previous written permission, the following groups are permitted to connect to our website:

Government agencies, search engines, news outlets, online directory distributors, and system-wide accredited businesses are all permitted to link to our website, with the exception of soliciting non-profit organisations, charity shopping centres, and charity fundraising organisations, which are not permitted to do so.

These organisations are permitted to link to our home page, publications, or other website content as long as the link satisfies the following conditions: (a) it is not misleading in any way; (b) it does not imply sponsorship, endorsement, or approval of the linking party and its products and/or services; and (c) it is appropriate for the linking party’s website.

Other link requests from the following categories of organisations may be taken into consideration and approved:

Dot.com community sites, organisations or other groups that represent charities, online directory distributors, internet portals, well-known consumer and/or business information sources, accountancy, legal, and consulting businesses, as well as educational institutions and trade associations.

If we determine that:

(a) the link would not reflect poorly on us or our accredited businesses;

(b) the organisation does not have a history of issues with us;

(c) the benefit to us from the visibility of the hyperlink more than makes up for the absence of DataBonker;

(d) the link is in the context of general resource information, we will approve link requests from these organisations.

The following conditions must be met for these organisations to link to our home page: (a) the link must not be misleading in any way; (b) it must not imply sponsorship, endorsement, or approval of the linking party and its products or services; and (c) it must make sense within the context of the linking party’s website.

You must contact DataBonker through email if you represent one of the organisations mentioned in paragraph 2 above and are interested in connecting to our website. Your name, your organisation name, contact information, the URL of your site, a list of any URLs from which you want to link to our Website, and a list of any URLs on our site that you would like to link to should all be included in your application. Wait two to three weeks for a reply.

Organizations that have been approved may connect to our website in the following ways:

By using our company name, the URL is linked to, or any other description of our website that makes sense given the surrounding context and the style of the material on the connecting party’s website.

With absence of a trademark licencing agreement, no use of DataBonker’s logo or other works of art may be used for linking purposes.


You may not put frames around our web pages without our prior consent and written authorization or otherwise change the visual presentation or look of our Website – https://databonker.com.

Article Liability

Anything that appears on your website is not our responsibility. You promise to defend us from any allegations made against us on your website. A website should not include any links that might be seen as defamatory, pornographic, or illegal, or that violate someone else’s rights in any way or that promote such violations.

Privacy of You – Read the Privacy Policy.

The Reserved Rights

We have the right to ask you to take down any link to our website, or all links. You consent to our right to seek the immediate removal of any connections to our website. Additionally, we have the right to change these terms at any moment, as well as the linking policy. You agree to be governed by and comply with these linking terms and conditions by consistently connecting to our website.

Links from our website will be removed

You are welcome to contact us at any time and let us know if you discover any links on our website that are objectionable for any reason. Requests for links to be removed will be taken into account, but we are not required to do so or to reply to you personally.

We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information on this website and we do not guarantee that it will remain accessible. We also do not guarantee that the information on this website will be kept up to date.


We disclaim all guarantees and conditions relating to our website and the use of this website to the fullest extent permitted by law. This disclaimer in no way:

Limit or exclude both our and your liability for wrongful death or personal injury; Limit or exclude both our and your liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; Limit or exclude both our and your liability in any way that is not permitted by applicable law; Exclude both our and your liability in any way that may not be excluded under applicable law.

The exclusions and restrictions on liability set forth in this Section and elsewhere in this disclaimer: (a) are subject to the preceding sentence; and (b) apply to all liabilities arising under the disclaimer, including those arising in contract, tort, and for breach of statutory duty.

We will not be held responsible for any loss or damage of any kind as long as the website, along with the data, products, and services available there, are offered without charge.